Happy Spring! This is just a quick post to remind us all that this website is here ;) And to let you know we'd love to hear from you.. Do send us your pictures and/or stories.
We have just returned to New Zealand after ten weeks in Iceland, where we experienced the hottest summer ever recorded! hoping for a hot one here in New Zealand as well...
I also wanted to let you know that if there is anything in particular that you are missing.. we have found many substitutes for the Icelandic foods here and are happy to share them with you.. for example a recipe for Remolaði/Remoulade and the closest we've found to 'Pylsu sinnep' is 'fine wholegrain mustard' also recipes for making Graflax and Graflaxssósa.. And as of quite recently, we can now get strong salty hard candy /sterkur brjóstsykur from pack'n'save! -And if you visit any asian food warehouse, they will have fried onion/steiktur laukur which is pretty much exactly the same as in Iceland (and to think, for so many years we had packets sent over in the post..)
Do send requests if there's anything you're looking for.. We recently had great success making Asíur/pickled cucumber and Rauðkál/pickled red cabbage..
But now I have a request for you.. does anyone know how to bake flatkökur/flatbread ?
We have tried a few times but never got it quite right, it becomes a sort of sticky-smoky-mess with the oats and water.. any help would be greatly appreciated :)
That's it for now.. Keep in touch and comment here.. We have found a new Icelandic family as well, that has been living here for a long time and didn't know about the Icelandic society, so let's spread the word when we can :)
And.. Congratulations on the Silver at the olympics!! did you all watch the games?
There was a big gathering here in Christchurch.. we are so proud :)
*in case you didn't know.. there's also the wonderful website www.nammi.is
PS: þetta var að koma frá Ingó.. Mjög sniðugt:
Datt í hug að fólk hefði kannski áhuga á að skrá sig hér. Rakst á þetta fyrir tilviljun um daginn.
Kv. Ingó